
Tomcat6 http error 404

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 06:07 出处:网络
I want to start a server using apache tomcat. I have run the tomcat6.exe and the DOS windows popped out and said server was started. Then I created a simple html code and want to sta开发者_StackOverfl

I want to start a server using apache tomcat. I have run the tomcat6.exe and the DOS windows popped out and said server was started. Then I created a simple html code and want to sta开发者_StackOverflowrt it using localhost8080 in the browser, but resulted in http error. I placed my html file and renamed it index.jsp on the desktop. Is there any configuration I have to configure before starting the server? thx

You must take a look over here... this might be helpful..




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