
POST collection type data from silverlight to aspx page.

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 06:07 出处:网络
I have a problem posting the data from silverlight to the 开发者_如何学编程aspx page which is in same domain.

I have a problem posting the data from silverlight to the 开发者_如何学编程aspx page which is in same domain. I need to open aspx page in a new tab that needs data of type combination (id, amount) like

3-XX-YY-ZZ, 12

4-XX-YY-ZZ, 20

5-XX-YY-ZZ, 15


and process it and display.

I tried to do it using querystrings and HtmlPage.PopupWindow(). It works but that would come with size limits. Please help.

I think you need to do a HTTP post with WebClient api. This would help you to post data as a web page will do it.

Here is a link which I found this might be helpful to elaborate next steps...



I can access javascript from silverlight application. And this problem was solved by using javascript function from silverlight to post the hidden field data to aspx page.



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